IMPACT is the inspiring story of a young Mixed Martial Arts fighter, Kyle Sefcik, who found motivation in failure. Kyle’s passion for the sport and unrelenting ambition lead him on a journey where he had to fight for every inch of success. His failures became more impactful than his triumphs. From rejection to a mass following, his ambition and ability to fight for what he believes impacts everyone he encounters.

"It's not because I was the best fighter. I was just mentally stronger, I was smarter and I didn't fear a thing"
- Kyle Sefcik
“IMPACT” was mostly filmed at MMA and Sport gym. This was a space where we were given permission and a blank canvas to create a look. We decided to use a combination of tungsten and natural light which creates a complementary balance of orange and blue light. Even with the final output being desaturated, the balance of blues and oranges create a feel that went a long with our main subject and his balance of failure and success. Even if the viewer does not pick up on these color choices, subconsciously it does has an effect. Multiple interviews, b-roll and archive footage were also used and stylized to tell the narrative and created a serious tone that conveyed the passion and drive Kyle possesses.
The goal of the final product was to tell as story of motivation and inspire the viewer. It also serves as a sales tool to promote Sefcik Industries and allow any potential clients a view of what it likes when working with Kyle. The final video was distributed through social media outlets and used as a recruitment tool on MMAandSport.com.